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Manufacturers of fireplaces of country ask the Government who work on regulations that obliged the facilities pass inspections periodically to prevent fires as of on Sunday in a house in Sispony. According to the first report of the body of fire and reports of any of the neighbors, the fire would have originated because the chimney had direct contact with the wood of the roof without insulation. The same warmth of the fireplace or a spark that could jump would be the cause of the fire. A fact that, as the neighbors, were had already spent in the same House ten years ago and it seems that by the same circumstances. Ifoc, Francisco Casimiro fireplaces manufacturing company Manager, said yesterday that in Andorra there is no specific installation standards and who therefore follow that there are existing in Spain or France. However, he pointed out that any professional installation technician "should know that these two factors [wood and heat] cannot go together". The problem, according to Casimiro, is that often there are people looking for the most economical way of installation and does not make it a specialized professional. Therefore thought necessary that the Executive Force to pass regular inspections that certify the correct placement of fireplaces. "Today is not passed any inspection, but it should be," he insists. Beyond the control that makes the company, there is no official body which verifies the installation or the State in which is located and which put feelings in case of failure to comply. For his part, the director general of the chimney cleaning company seizure Group, José survives, confirmed that they are with fireplaces are not well constructed either with the passage of time have been creating cracks that can cause problems. «Andorra it uses lots of wood on the rooftops then nailing slate. If the installation is not well insulated can these things happen', ensured. However, survives opined that although it is not a regulations by writing "seems to me a very bad practice and common sense». Cleaning is essential to / another aspect with which insist that care should be is with a thorough cleaning. In this sense, survive it reaffirmed that there are no rules regarding cleanliness or any law that forces them to take it out and asked the Government to take this into account for the near future. «There are people who themselves clean as there are who arranged the car without going through the workshop.» But it will never be the same as if a professional does,"said. Confiscation Group director explained that when burning firewood there are particles that stick to the duct. These particles are very flammable and if it is not proper cleaning can lead to fires. In this sense, survives stated «although it is not mandatory, if you have a device that can cause a problem, it's logical that you follow a protocol». He shared opinion Casimiro exposing at least should contact professionals once a year to carry out a thorough cleaning. And he added that if a great use of the fireplace, is recommended to make it two to three times per year. «We recommend it but can not force. This should be the Government,"he said.


Source: El Periòdic

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