Real Estate Blog

Inspection of the hydrocarbon deposits campaign gives good results and the controls will increase

The campaign door to door that the Department of environment and sustainability of the Executive began the month of January has meant that many facilities are adapting to the norm, since has been detected an increase in the demand for hydrocarbons plates, a request to ensure that the installation is in adequate conditions according to the rules of storage and supply of hydrocarbons marks it. Thus, is has last of a thirty of demands monthly before the campaign to overcome the hundred the last month of July. By this, the campaign will strengthen. In January the body of the Departamet of environment and sustainability the Government inspection launched a campaign from door to door for the inspection of hydrocarbon deposits, with the aim of informing the owners of their obligations. From this Department have found that since these visits are carried out the number of requests for plates of hydrocarbons (to verify that the installation complies with standards) has increased considerably and this fact is valued very positively. In this way, and "taking into account the results" is expected to increase inspections in the coming months to ensure "a more compliant facilities" before winter. According to the data have been provided from environment, before the announcement of the campaign the volume of requests for plates of hydrocarbons it was located around thirty monthly and since it has been launched, we have seen a steady increase and this month has been located above the hundred, which is the highest number in history from April 2015, provided by the Ministry. From environment affect the fact that this campaign allows them to inform the owners about their obligations to prevent possible spills to the environment as well as whether they benefit from subsidies that are part of the Renova plan. Remember that these facilities should have a nameplate of the deposit placed in the mouth of it to prove that comply with the rules of storage and supply of hydrocarbons. Thus, the message we are trying to convey in this door to door is that facilities which are not suitable to this Regulation as well as jeopardize the safety of persons and goods, can cause oil spills medium that can pollute the soil and water, both groundwater as the surface. These spills, emphasize, involve very important costs of decontamination and restoration of the environment, which should take the cause of the spill.



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