Real Estate Blog

Power consumption increases by 0.4% in September

The power consumption of Andorra during the month of September this year was 38.7 GWh, a figure which represents an increase of 0.4% over September 2015, according to data provided Monday by FEDA. On the other hand, consumption accumulated during 2016 rises 1.3% compared to the same period of last year. The data show that in terms of the own production, Andorra has generated 2.8 GWh between the hydroelectric power plant of FEDA (2.3 GWh) and la Comella waste treatment center (0.5 GWh), representing 7% of the total consumption of Andorra. The consumption of the month data also indicate that the maximum power measured was 75.1 MW and occurred on September 6 at 1 p.m..


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